Schlagwort-Archive: Photo


Found a dead Dragonfly , died a natural death, now dry and hard, but still a natural beauty

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They called them originally Flutterby , in Switzerland they call them „Sommervogel“ translated summerbird , in spain they name them Mariposa , what could be translated with „Mary sit down“ . The name Butterfly comes from the fact , that these insects have been attracted , when the farmer made their butter ( in german it´s the same origin )

Today i have been out , saw a few of them and tried to make pictures , at first with less chance , the only one i could catch first was the one beneath a mountain of shi….. sorry but it´s the truth.:-)


It´s hard to take pictures of them , only the one with eyes on his wings , seemed to be very self-confident , as if these great eyes would help him to defend him from me.- Yes it´s true i would never do him a harm, they are so beautyful .

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Little things – Frogs and Dogs

Have been out with my little dogs. On my way , a warm rainshower started , unfortunately i had no raincoat with me , but it was  a warm sommerrain , so it wasn´´t uncomfortable . Suddenly i saw something jumping on the way. I went closer and saw a little frog , a baby frog . I took a picture and while i focussed my camera on the little froggy , my dog became suspicious too.



Eyes – the mirror of your soul

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Blue Hour – Blaue Stunde

The „blue Hour“ describes the time between twilight and darkness (here is a timetable for several citys)

During this time , the deep blue sky has the same brightness as artificial lights.

today i made a few pictures in the blue hour ( no photoshop ) incredible isn´t  it ??

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Coloured Smoke

My son made yesterday a photo experiment , he´s about 16 years old and bought last year his first SLR camera . Today evening he presented me his work , he was today afternoon at the drug store and made paper prints of it . He took pictures of smokeof an incense stick in front of a black background and coloured an inverted  afterwards the pictures with a image editing program. I was fascinated about the figures the smoke painted, but have a look and discover it ….

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Earth from above – a photo collection

here is a photo collection i´ve found in December 2011 and rediscovered yesterday    Earth from above by Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Enjoy it – here is a photo example ( hope i get no trouble 🙂 )

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Merry Christmas – Frohe Weihnachten

Merry Christmas to you all ^^ Yesterday we´ve spent a beautyful evening at Harry´s place , but first we had christmas dinner, the children opened their christmas parcels ( hope everyone got what he wanted ) . Later we went to Harry, since several years he organizes a christmas party , free for all visitors . He offers free sausages and hot wine and punsch for the children , we have been there for the first time.

Harry finished his work with the christmas lights at his house , at last he finsihed also his latest project , an archangel (Gabriel ) on which he has worked since two weeks painting ……… a beautyful evening with a lot of guests…….

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Mushrooms – Pilze

„I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.“
— Henry David Thoreau- „Walden“
One of my beloved qoutes of HDT , yes i went to the woods , as often at the weekend , having a walk with my dogs . This time i took my camera with me, the weekend before i saw a few people collecting mushrooms. I spoke to them and they showed me their „harvest“ and how they consider , which one of the mushrooms is eatable or not. I was fascinated , about these „flowers of the forrest“ and decided to make next time pictures of them, here you can see my „Harvest“ !
If you take a step off the road , life offers you always a surprise , you´ve got only to open your eyes , amazing ^^
have i mentioned? I love these bagpipes and especially this song – Flowers of the forest

Doppelt belichtet

Doppelbelichtungen, ein Projekt , daß ich abends mit einer analogen SLR und einem Diapositiv Film gemacht habe. Die Resultate zeige ich nachher. Ein paar Worte hierzu noch , ich habe vom Farb TV Gerät ( ein 100HZ Gerät ) Standbilder abgelichtet und übereinandergelegt, das geschah mehr oder weniger im Verfahren wie das auch hier beschreiben wurde in diesem Fotoblog , teilweise nach dem chaotischen  Zufallsprinzip, teilweise  aber auch so gewollt.  Ich weiss nicht , ob das so einfach mit einer Digitalen Spiegelreflex möglich ist, es wird in dem oben genannten Blog zwar eine Möglichkeit beschreiben, aber ich weiss nicht ob das noch zeitgemäß ist, die Technik hat sich ja weiterentwickelt .